All house washes include a soft soap and hot rinse. Pricing starts at $299 for 1 to 2 story homes, aluminum or vinyl siding, 1,700 sq. feet or less.Homes over 3,000 sq. feet will be based off estimates.Stone, stucco, derivate, and brick pricing may vary pending stain condition. All estimates are free.

Sidewalk pricing is $125 per 100 feet long and up to 5 feet wide. Each additional sq. foot is .25 cents per.Sidewalk washing is performed using presoak soap and followed up with 3 high power hot jet cleaning.

Driveways are $125 for the first 500 sq. feet and .25 cents per sq. foot thereafter.Larger driveways and parking area pricing can be offered at discounted rates.

Patios, decking, and pool patios:

Concrete patio hot washing and soaping are offered at .25 cents per sq. foot with a minimum charge of 500 sq. feet.  Wood decking washes will include a soap presoak followed up with a soft wash.  Pool patios at the same level as the pool will be cleaned using hot water only (no chemicals).        

Lawn furniture, sheds and all other outside items:

All items outside can be soaped and washed using hot water and/or soap.  Items can have soft wash or high-pressure wash applied depending on the items to be cleaned.  This service is priced at $89 per hour (hot water only) and $99 per hour (soap and hot rinse)

Sidewalk pricing is $125 per 100 feet long and up to 5 feet wide.   Each additional sq. foot is .25 cents per.  Sidewalk washing is performed using presoak soap and followed up with 3 high power hot jet cleaning. 

Driveways are $125 for the first 500 sq. feet and .25 cents per sq. foot thereafter.  Larger driveways and parking area pricing can be offered at discounted rates.